Getting Started

Before you book your appointment:

  • Reflect on personal goals and desired outcomes from therapy.

  • Identify specific areas for improvement, such as:

    • Managing anxiety

    • Enhancing relationships

    • Developing coping strategies

  • Research different types of therapy and therapists - do you want homework? No homework? A gentle therapist? A direct therapist? There’s no one size fits all when it comes to mental health treatment.

  • Consider:

    • Specialties of the therapist

    • Approach to treatment

    • Credentials and qualifications

  • Narrow down options based on research.

  • Reach out to the chosen therapist(s) to discuss goals and schedule an appointment or consultation. This is an important working relationship, don’t be afraid to speak to a couple of therapists before making your final decision.

  • Booking the first session marks a significant step towards personal growth and well-being. Congratulations on making your mental health and relationships a priority!

During your appointment you should expect:

  • A warm welcome and introduction to the counselor.

  • An overview of confidentiality and privacy policies.

  • A discussion of your reasons for seeking counseling. (This is often where the tears start - don’t feel bad if you cry!)

  • An assessment of your current situation and needs.

  • An exploration of your goals and expectations for therapy, and any prior therapy experiences you’ve had, good or bad.

  • A brief discussion of the counseling process and what it entails with this specific therapist.

  • An opportunity for you to ask questions or express concerns.

  • Beginning to establish a plan for future sessions.

  • Setting up any necessary paperwork or administrative tasks.

  • A collaborative approach to determining next steps in the therapeutic journey.